Transition2Work for Employees

Helping Injured Employees Recover and Return to Work Faster

Remaining active and resuming a productive routine has been shown to help injured workers return to their regular duties sooner. Transition2Work helps your employer, as part of its Return-to-Work program, provide light duty. The program places injured workers in temporary positions within the local community to perform light-duty volunteer work for nonprofit organizations. Transition2Work matches injured workers with an appropriate temporary nonprofit opportunity until they can return to work onsite with their employer.

ReEmployAbility’s Transition2Work Injured Worker Testimonial – Military History Museum

Discover the experiences of three Transition2Work participants working at the Military History Museum. Listen to their inspirational stories of perseverance while they recover from their work injuries. 

What to Expect in the Program

When your employer has referred you, the Transition2Work team will help with identifying a nonprofit agency where you can perform light duty until you are able to return to work with your employer. As soon as your nonprofit opportunity is secured, you will receive documentation outlining the details of your assignment.

Learn About Your Assignment

Receive your offer of alternative modified work to learn about the details of your nonprofit opportunity.

Attend Your Assignment

Participate in your nonprofit opportunity, helping your community while you recover from your injury.

Return to Work

Return to work at your pre-injury employer once your nonprofit opportunity ends and you are medically cleared to return-to-work full duty.

Transition2Work Benefits for Employees

The Transition2Work program helps connect you to a greater purpose so you can recover faster and return to work sooner!

Meaningful and Productive Work

Engage in meaningful and productive work activity as soon as you are released to modified or light duty.

Focus on Abilities

Get back to a daily routine and avoid a disability mindset by focusing on your abilities as opposed to limitations.

Learn New Skills

While in the nonprofit volunteer opportunity, learn new transferrable skills.

Retain Employee Status

Retain your employee status with your employer and continue earning a wages and benefits.

Help Others

Stay connected with the community and help make a difference with a nonprofit that can accommodate your physical restrictions.

See What Other Participants are Saying

Joseph McNulty, HR Director of AmeriCare Ambulance, and Genesis Blanco, EMT, discuss their experience with ReEmployAbility’s Transition2Work program.

“I absolutely love [the nonprofit I’m at]. The people are wonderful, very compassionate and caring!“

Transition2Work Participant (Ft. Worth, TX)

“It was a pleasure working at the [not-for-profit]. The staff are all very kind and courteous and contribute to a positive work atmosphere. They are very respectful of your work restrictions and always have a positive attitude in the office.“

Transition2Work Participant (Corona, CA)

“The staff has been extremely polite and genuinely helpful. My experience so far has been very accommodating and pleasant. Plus the overall mission is rewarding in itself.”

Transition2Work Participant (El Paso, TX)

Listen to Gregory, a food distribution Production Associate who was injured on the job, talk about his Transition2Work experience.

Transition2Work Frequently Asked Questions

How am I getting paid while in Transition2Work? Will my pay frequency change?

While you attend your volunteer opportunity, your employer will continue to pay your wage. Your pay schedule should remain the same. If you have any questions about your pay, please contact your employer.

Will I be paid while I'm at physical therapy or medical appointments?

While participating in the nonprofit opportunity, you will continue to comply with your employer’s policies. As this is part of your employer’s return-to-work program, please call your employer or adjuster to find out if you will be paid for medical or physical therapy appointments.

Is the nonprofit my new employer?

No. This opportunity is temporary and will not result in employment with the nonprofit.  You remain an employee of your pre-injury employer.

What will I be doing at the nonprofit?

Nonprofits have a wide variety of tasks they need help with to fulfill their missions. Some have included: greeting guests, answering phones, sorting donations, stuffing envelopes, and providing clerical assistance. ReEmployAbility works with each nonprofit to ensure the opportunity is within your capabilities and current medical restrictions. 

How long will I be in the nonprofit opportunity?

The opportunity is temporary and allows you to perform light duty work with the nonprofit while you recover. Your return to your pre-injury employer or full duty will depend on your injury and treatment by your physician.

How will my employer be tracking hours I'm working?

You will be using following the time tracking instructions provided in your assignment documentation.

Who do I call if I need to call out sick?

I you cannot attend on a given day, you will call your nonprofit point of contact and employer to notify them. Contact information is provided in your assignment documentation.

Who do I call if I have concerns about my work environment or nonprofit supervisor?

If you have concerns about the nonprofit, please call our Community Care Team at (813) 663-1400.

What happens if I miss a time punch?

If you have missed a time punch, please use the “Add a Missed Punch” link on the REALtime website or call Community Care  at (813) 663-1400.

Who do I inform when my restrictions change?

Please inform the nonprofit of any significant changes to your medical restrictions to ensure they continue to provide the correct job duties. ReEmployAbility will confirm any medical restriction changes with your employer and adjuster.

Our Purpose

Connecting people to a greater purpose so they can have a better life.

Our Vision

Anyone who is capable of something, can make an impact in the community where they live.

What We Do

We lead in specialty Return-to-Work and transitional employment programs for the workers’ compensation and disability industry. We make strides toward our vision every day by providing innovative services that positively impact workers’ compensation and non-occupational disability claim outcomes for employers, insurance carriers, injured workers, and communities. Our philosophy is based on a strong belief in creating ‘win-win-win’ outcomes – combining benefits for companies, employees, and communities across the United States for real, positive impact.